
Pezetita. com selects micro-loans for clients, being an intermediary between a client who wants to take a loan and a licensed financial institution.

ID: 332


Types of traffic Pezetita

Table Pezetita

# Status Title offer Category Paymodel Payment Partner Link
1 Active Completed form Pezetita Insurance and Finance CPL 3.0 EUR

Popular Offers in category Insurance and Finance

SK "Pari"

eCPC: 11.01 CR: 0.41%

Otlichnye Nalichnye (Onlayn)

eCPC: 170.81 CR: 0.11%

Alfabank - Kredit na remont

eCPC: 3799.58 CR: 42.1%


eCPC: 0.24 CR: 4.8%


eCPC: 0.73 CR: 0.0%